About Us

Who We Are

Our congregation is drawn primarily from the South East corner of Winnipeg but includes members from all over the city and surrounding areas.

We are blessed with passionate members who are always willing to serve their church and the community at large.  We invite you to join us for Worship online to learn more.

Join us for worship, Sundays at 10 AM and learn what we are all about!

We believe in the Trinity – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – as the one true God. We proclaim the Father as Creator and Preserver; God’s Son, Jesus the Christ, as Redeemer and Lord; and the Holy Spirit as Regenerator and Sanctifier.

We believe that the Gospel – God’s Good News to the world – is the revelation of God’s saving will and grace in Jesus Christ, which is given to us through Word and Sacraments – Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Through these means of grace the Holy Spirit creates believers and unites them with their Lord and with one another in the fellowship of the Holy Christian Church.

We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, through which God speaks still, and they are the only source of the Church’s doctrine and the authoritative standard for the faith and life of the Church.

We believe the Lord’s Supper – Communion, the Eucharist – is open to all baptized Christians.

We believe baptism is God’s action uniting us to the death and resurrection of Jesus and the sign of our adoption as God’s children. We therefore practice both infant and adult baptism.

We believe Christians are called to live in God’s grace and forgiveness, to join regularly in prayer, praise and loving community, to hear and read God’s Word and to celebrate the Sacraments, and to work together in God’s Kingdom using the gifts and abilities God has given us.

Our Mission

The mission of Faith Lutheran, as an expression of the universal church and as an instrument of the Holy Spirit, is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people in Winnipeg and around the world through the proclamation of the Word and the celebration of the Sacraments and through service in Christ’s name.

Our Vision

Faith Lutheran, reflecting God’s grace, is seeking to reach out and serve people, primarily in south-east Winnipeg; to become a community of belonging and hope, built on caring and nurturing relationships, and spiritual direction and growth.

Ministry Staff


Chris Bishopp

Our Pastor provides Ministry of the Word and Sacrament. As part of his role, Pastor Chris oversees the mission and ministry of the congregation, oversees the staff and various church committees, works with the church council to develop and implement policies. Our Pastor also provides sacramental (baptism and communion) and civic (funerals and weddings) ministries. In addition to these roles, the Pastor works with the congregation to provide pastoral care and visitation, counselling and spiritual formation, leadership in worship and preaching, assistance in Christian Education, and connections to the broader church through the synod, conference and local ministerial associations.

Pastor Chris Bishopp can be reached via email at [email protected], or phone (204) 253-1491 ext. 22.

Church Administrator

Cathy Zimmerman

Our full time Church Administrator works to manage the day-to-day administration of the congregation; keeps records; provides hospitality to members and visitors; manages the finances of the congregation; and optimizes communication through weekly bulletins, the church website, and the monthly newsletter.

Cathy Zimmerman can be reached via email at [email protected], or phone (204) 253-1491 ext. 20.

Music Program Coordinator

Our Music Program Coordinator supports the worship and music ministry of our congregation as it seeks to build community and nurture spiritual growth. This support involves coordination of all music programs and the nurturing of the music and worship ministry. The music program includes vocal ensembles, handbell choirs, music teams, individual vocalists/instrumentalists and sound/video technicians.

Director of Youth Ministry

Our part time Director of Youth Ministry works to relate to youth in middle school and senior high, as well as young adults, to provide opportunities for faith formation and faithful service, to develop community and strong relationships, to support families, and to encourage fellowship and recreation as part of healthy Christian community.

Youth Director can be reached via email at [email protected],

Interested in learning more about our ministries?