Worship and Music Ministries

This group serves “behind the scenes” preparing the altar area for every service in our church, preparing for and cleaning up after Communion services, and occasionally even helping with decorating the sanctuary for special occasions.

We have two handbell choirs, a choir for adults (Jubellation) and a choir for youth aged 12 and up (Heavenly Metal). The handbell choirs each practice once a week, and provide special music for Sunday morning services. Handbell choir is a great place to create lasting friendships and bonds with other ringers, as well as being a great way to participate in and share the joy of music.

Open to all voices, this ensemble sings regularly in Sunday morning worship. Rehearsals usually occur on Sunday mornings and are announced ahead of time in the church bulletin and by email notice.

Open to all male voices, this ensemble sings several times throughout the year. Rehearsals are announced in advance through the church bulletin. See the Worship and Music page under the information tab for more information.