Pastoral Care

Baptisms are scheduled at times that fit the calendars of the families and the church. A brief meeting with parents and sponsors helps to explain what baptism is, and why we do it. Call the office to make an appointment.

We don’t ‘do’ weddings at Faith – we provide a marriage ministry. This means that we do not simply perform weddings, but we will help couples prepare for marriage, deepening their understanding of themselves individually and as a couple, prepare a meaningful service – and of course, we will conduct the service! Ministers from Faith Lutheran Church will perform same sex marriages using the same criteria or discretion that apply to different sex marriages. Couples are encouraged to contact one of the ministers as early as is practical.

Sometimes individuals and families need help processing feelings, discovering options and communicating more effectively. Short term assistance is available. Referral assistance can be offered for longer-term needs. Meeting times can be day-time or evenings, as schedules allow. Call the office to make a confidential appointment.

Spiritual Formation is quite different from counselling, although the process is quite similar. Spiritual formation involves intentional, disciplined listening with an ear as to how God may be speaking, seeking, and acting in an individual’s life. Spiritual direction is particularly useful in times of transition and loss. Spiritual formation frequently involves several sessions over a few months. Call the office for more information.

Our congregation strives to respond to hospitalization, but we need your help! Current confidentiality practices require that patients or family members notify the ministry team as the hospital will not notify the parish or post a list of Lutheran patients. We especially want to offer a blessing prior to surgery. Shut-ins, whether at a care home or at home, will be visited, depending upon need and ministerial availability. Communion can be included. We strive to visit shut-ins approximately every three months.